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Russia Sends Spacecraft To Moon Weeks After Chandrayaan 3 Launch Latest update

Russia Sends Spacecraft To Moon Weeks After Chandrayaan 3 Launch Latest update
Written by Manoj Kadam
Russia Sends Spacecraft To Moon Weeks After Chandrayaan 3 Launch Latest update

Russia Sends Spacecraft To Moon Weeks After Chandrayaan 3 Launch Latest update

After the launch of India's Chandrayaan-3, now Russia has also sent its mission to the Moon. Russia has sent its instrument to the moon after almost 50 years. This probe named Luna-25 has been sent since 1976. The rocket took off from the Vostochny Cosmodrome at 2:10 pm (Russian time) tonight. Russian space agency Roscosmos gave information about this. The spacecraft will reach the moon's orbit after five days, it is said.

After reaching close to the Moon, before landing, it will choose the right place in three to seven days, where the probe will be landed. According to NDTV, it will be landed in the South Pole area of ​​the Moon. On behalf of Roscosmos, official Alexander Blockin said that this is going to happen for the first time in history when a probe landing will be done on the South Pole of the Moon. Whoever has tried to reach the Moon before this, all of them have landed in the Equator i.e. the Mediterranean zone. The Russian Space Agency estimates that the probe will land on the Moon around August 21.

After landing, this spacecraft will remain on the moon for about 1 year. During this journey, it will collect samples from the lunar surface and examine the soil there. After that a long scientific research will be done on it. Due to the war with Ukraine, the Russian space agency Roscosmos was excluded from participation in space programs by Western countries. This is Russia's first lunar mission after that. According to Russian space expert Vitaly Liegrov, this mission is the first of its kind in which a device will be launched on a celestial body.

According to the report, this mission is of great importance for Russia's space sector. Currently the Russian space sector is suffering from lack of funds. Besides, Russia is also facing tough challenges from America and China. Apart from this, Elon Musk's SpaceX is also challenging Russia in space.

As far as India's third Moon mission is concerned, Chandrayaan-3 has captured a new picture of the Moon. The Lander Imager camera installed in Chandrayaan-3 has also captured the Earth. Chandrayaan-3 mission was launched from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh on July 14. ISRO has been successful in this mission so far. According to the plan, Chandrayaan-3 will attempt a soft landing on the Moon on August 23.

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About the author

Manoj Kadam

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