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big asteroid 2022 BS2 size near 100 foot coming towards earth 2 days nasa asteroid alert update

big asteroid 2022 BS2 size near 100 foot coming towards earth 2 days nasa asteroid alert update
Written by Manoj Kadam
big asteroid 2022 BS2 size near 100 foot coming towards earth 2 days nasa asteroid alert update

big asteroid 2022 BS2 size near 100 foot coming towards earth 2 days nasa asteroid alert update

Space is infinite, and finding even one end of it may seem impossible. Apart from our galaxy Milky Way, there are many other galaxies continuously rotating in the universe. If we talk about our solar system, apart from planets and satellites, there are many celestial bodies present in it, about which not much information is available. Asteroid is also one of these. Asteroid is also called minor planet in Hindi language. These are made of mineral substances and are rocky in structure.

Asteroids can range in size from 500 feet to several kilometers across. Like other celestial bodies in the solar system, they also revolve around the Sun. But while rotating, many times they come in front of the Earth's orbit. In such a situation, a situation of collision arises between the two celestial bodies. There is very little chance of an asteroid hitting the Earth, but the possibility cannot be ruled out. Therefore, the space agency keeps an eye on the direction and speed of the asteroid, so that even if an asteroid moves towards the Earth, it cannot cause destruction on the Earth.

These days, an alert is being issued by NASA regarding the continuously appearing asteroids. An alert has been issued by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory for Asteroid 2022 BS2. It was discovered on 27 January 2022. This asteroid is said to belong to the Apollo group. It revolves around the sun in 380 days. It is 95 feet in size which is as big as an airplane. Its speed is said to be 29585 kilometers per hour. It is scheduled to return again on 8 February 2048. NASA has not yet released information about its collision with the Earth. If it starts falling towards the earth, in such a situation huge devastation can occur. But NASA has not yet expressed such apprehension regarding this.

After this, another asteroid is going to come closer to the Earth. Its name is Asteroid 2023 OE5. It is going to pass close to the Earth on August 14. The size of the asteroid is 59 feet. It is going to pass through a distance of 1,540,000 kilometers from the Earth. In size it is as big as a house. NASA is tracking it to find out how dangerous it can be for the Earth. Asteroids are made of minerals and rocks. These are solid but bumpy in shape. Recently, asteroids as large as 1600 feet have passed by the Earth. It was fortunate that they passed at a safe distance. But if an asteroid starts falling on Earth, it can cause huge destruction.

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About the author

Manoj Kadam

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