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How dinosaurs died due to asteroid collision 66 million years ago study reveals know

How dinosaurs died due to asteroid collision 66 million years ago study reveals know
Written by Manoj Kadam
How dinosaurs died due to asteroid collision 66 million years ago study reveals know

How dinosaurs died due to asteroid collision 66 million years ago study reveals know


How Asteroid Killed Dinosaurs: About 66 million years ago, dinosaurs were wiped out from our Earth due to the destruction caused by an asteroid collision. Scientists have agreed on this for years. But how large the scope of the destruction was has been a matter of debate. It is said that due to the collision of an asteroid bigger than Mount Everest with the Earth, three-fourths of the animals, including dinosaurs, were wiped out from the Earth. Now a new research has said that the cloud of dust spread when the asteroid collided with the Earth, pushed the Earth into a long winter.

Scientists have said this after studying the particles found at a fossil site. Even before this, a theory had said that sulfur and forest fire smoke released from the asteroid collision surrounded the sky. Because of this the earth was plunged into darkness for many years.

The new study has been published in Nature Geoscience Journal. It says that the fine silicate dust released from the asteroid collision would have remained in our atmosphere for at least 15 years and the global temperature would have gone down by 15 degrees Celsius.

The particles on the basis of which scientists have come to this conclusion were found at the Tanis fossil site in North Dakota, America. According to the study, the dust particles that surrounded the Earth were of 0.8 to 8.0 micrometers. Researchers say that these dust particles are perfect to remain in our atmosphere for 15 years.

Scientists estimate that 75 percent of the devastation caused to the Earth's atmosphere by the asteroid collision was dust. There was 24 percent sulfur. There was also one percent soot in that dust. It is estimated that that dust would have stopped the process of photosynthesis in plants for at least a year. This ended the food for animals.

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About the author

Manoj Kadam

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