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How much water on Mars ESA mars express orbiter new search on MFF full details

How much water on Mars ESA mars express orbiter new search on MFF full details
Written by Manoj Kadam
How much water on Mars ESA mars express orbiter new search on MFF full details

How much water on Mars ESA mars express orbiter new search on MFF full details

Water on Mars: Scientists searching for the possibilities of life on Mars have got another major success. The European Space Agency's Mars Express Orbiter has collected information about the Medusa Fossae Formation (MFF) of the Red Planet. The presence of a large amount of water ice beneath the surface has been revealed. This has revealed that the largest reserve of water in the form of ice is near the equator of Mars. The discovery also gives an idea of ​​what the climate of Mars might have been like.

According to the information, Mars Express Orbiter had surveyed the MFF of Mars about 15 years ago. After so many years, when Mars Express passed through this area again, it was equipped with advanced MARSIS radar.

Researchers say that the study conducted in 2007 and the findings made now have revealed that water in the form of ice is spread up to 3.7 kilometers below the surface in this area of ​​Mars. Radar data shows that the layers present there are made of ice. Scientists got the same signals from there as they get from polar areas.

Scientists estimate that if this ice is melted, the Red Sea on Earth can be filled. This discovery is one of the biggest and important discoveries related to the presence of water on Mars. This can also be helpful for future Mars missions because future missions can be landed in the areas around the MFF and water can be extracted from the resources present there.

Space agencies around the world are busy sending missions to Mars and are preparing for human missions. China wants to fly such a helicopter (quadcopter) on Mars, which will be foldable. China will collect samples on Mars with the help of its helicopter. This mission can start between 2028 and 2030.

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About the author

Manoj Kadam

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