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Japan Unveils Rocket Engine Fueled by Cow Dung Share Video of Test Watch

Japan Unveils Rocket Engine Fueled by Cow Dung Share Video of Test Watch
Written by Manoj Kadam
Japan Unveils Rocket Engine Fueled by Cow Dung Share Video of Test Watch

Japan Unveils Rocket Engine Fueled by Cow Dung Share Video of Test Watch

A surprising news came from Japan for space lovers, when a Japanese startup named Interstellar Technologies announced to give a new twist to the future of space travel. Interstellar successfully fired a rocket engine for 10 glorious seconds at the Hokkaido Spaceport, using methane gas derived from cow dung (organic fertilizer). As soon as the video of this test was released, it attracted the attention of people all over the world and within no time the news spread in India that rockets can be flown with cow dung. Let us know about it in detail.

This interesting and successful test is not just a fun science experiment, it could prove to be a huge leap towards sustainable space exploration. The rocket built by the company uses methane gas derived from cow dung as its fuel, making it the world's first orbital rocket powered by the abundant and sustainable resource. The static fire test successfully ignited the engine for 10 seconds, producing a powerful blue flame. The feat follows the European Space Agency's development of a dung-fueled rocket engine, but Interstellar Technologies is the first private company to do so.

Unlike conventional rocket fuel, which emits large amounts of greenhouse gases, cow dung fuel burns more cleanly, which will reduce the environmental impact of space travel. It's like turning a rocket into manure.

Cow dung is abundant and readily available, making it a cheaper and more accessible fuel source than traditional alternatives. This technology turns a waste product into a valuable resource.

Interstellar isn't the first to be interested in rockets powered by cow dung. The European Space Agency is also exploring this alternative fuel. But they are the first private company to successfully get the engine running, making them a leader in the field.

According to a company release, the ongoing series of static fire tests is set to enhance progress in the development and manufacturing of 130kN-class operational models.

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About the author

Manoj Kadam

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